Welcome to Windhorse Ways

"Every thing or living being that exists in this world; be it trees, flowers, birds, grasses, rocks, soil of the earth, or human beings; has its unique manner of existence - its essence, its spirit that makes it what it is. That is what is meant by connectedness."

--Larry P. Aitken, CHIPPEWA--

All Love to You...All Days, All Ways.
Reverend Irene Windhorse

Monday, August 17, 2020

Weathering Plagues

This morning I read a poem by Thomas Nash, [1567-160_]... about the Bubonic Plague...it's the voice of one who knows their own death approaches, and no medicine will help.   Villagers each day seeing family and neighbors piled onto wagons and wheeled away....

Our current pandemic of COvid19 (and other names) is as vicious, perhaps...with our sensitivities spared somewhat; of the in-your-face horror of it.  Yet, bodies were piled into rvs...so many people lost ... still all the public being intimidated with the fear of infection, the requirements that we constantly wear masks in public, though medical doctors everywhere are revealing how ineffective they are.

How much in fear are you?  
My constant personal effort is to get 'under' the fear and boot it as far from myself as I can.  I turn my thoughts to how...what practices...keep me healthy; flushing the body; avoiding constipation of body mind or spirit...which means a good clean diet of mainly vegetables, nuts and fruits.  Ample exercise and fresh air.  I walk barefoot inside and outside my home, where I know there have been no poisons applied.  

I may have more anger than fear, for I do believe the curious experimentors of science, and those who wish to control all else and others have created this pandemic, and I don't doubt it could be a PLandemic.   What power do I have, assuming this is true?  The power to change my mind...as always, the only real ChangeE I or YOU are capable of.

THEN...there is the now scientifically approved fact that my mind and yours can create ... we can enfold ourselves in a sort of shelter of Creative Thought by keeping our attention on the path we are trodding.  Constant valuation...WHERE do I want to wind up???

Health ... I want health ... of Mind, Body and Spirit.

So I stretch my once-tutored mind to believe things I've experienced yet been told cannot be 'true.'
I catch the stories in my glove, and hit what I see as dross right out of the field.  It's a constant returning to Principles and known ways to keep healthy.

Stay with me...invest your best into yourself and your neighbors...all good energies we feel naturally emanate all around us; our good thoughts are medicine for everyone.  

Consider the magnificence of your body...enhance it's immunity with beneficial flora, and avoid foods that make bodies acidic.  Dis-ease fails to flourish in an alkaline body.  Have you considered the word disease...it is describing a lack of ease in the bodymind, which is the forerunner of sickness...BE AT EASE... understand that our bodies wish to live and experience...yes; our bodies have a consciousness; autonomic systems that unfold faithfully each day unless we break the 'laws' which contain them into perfect health when we follow.  These laws come not from legislators...these laws are simply tenets of truth that we can either act from or suffer the consequences.

I wish I could say that I am 100% faithful to natural law...alas, I am human...I get bored, impatient... and go the way of error at times...so what to do, then??  Pick myself up, dust myself off...and start all over again!  Our small failures serve the purpose of waking us up to our apathy.

Our consciousness, the consciousness of the planet and the universe...all are like the endless spires the create the magnificent Chrysanthemum...only by seeking the stem can we find the origin of the plant.

Embrace your efforts, let go your failures (remember the lessons though)...my Heart and yours are joined in the ethers...our Higher Selves Know how to guide us to greater understanding.  Stand with me!  Keep sharing your successes; your insights...Stand together while standing alone.

With reverence for All Life,
Rev. Irene Windhorse

Irene Windhorse ~ Transformational Spiritual Services ~ With Reverence for All Life

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