Welcome to Windhorse Ways

"Every thing or living being that exists in this world; be it trees, flowers, birds, grasses, rocks, soil of the earth, or human beings; has its unique manner of existence - its essence, its spirit that makes it what it is. That is what is meant by connectedness."

--Larry P. Aitken, CHIPPEWA--

All Love to You...All Days, All Ways.
Reverend Irene Windhorse

Monday, August 17, 2020

Do I Have Time to Meditate?

How many parts are we made of? Or do the edges of organs, features and systems so blend into each other as to be ONE with the illusion of separateness? Emotionally, we may feel all 'broken up' or 'scattered' at any given time. Meditation gloriously brings us back into a feeling .. and a reality of Integrity, Clarity and Patience. Our physiology is actually slowed down, reordered, and given a chance to rejuvenate itself and remain youthful.

While we meditate, the masks we create dissolve to reveal the pure nature of who we are and wish to be. We suddenly feel comfortable with ourselves and the desire to evolve our purpose. We can feel the expansiveness of our Being, and the boundaries of body and mind melt away. We find that Heaven and Earth are both within reach and indeed united; diversity in unity and Unity in Diversity. 
When the meditation is done, and work or play is resumed, feel the rejuvenated
eyesight, easy breathing and burst of creativity or desire to get out or do something you've been putting off. Something once thought of as difficult all of a sudden seems do-able, and in the doing, seems easy. 

 Meditating once, or better, twice a day, will acrue for you and build tolerance for your immune system and strengthen all aspects of mind, body and spirit. See you in the ethers!

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