Welcome to Windhorse Ways

"Every thing or living being that exists in this world; be it trees, flowers, birds, grasses, rocks, soil of the earth, or human beings; has its unique manner of existence - its essence, its spirit that makes it what it is. That is what is meant by connectedness."

--Larry P. Aitken, CHIPPEWA--

All Love to You...All Days, All Ways.
Reverend Irene Windhorse

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Do You Realize You ARE Divine??



Do you realize that you are Divine?

Have you considered the Magical Physiology you inhabit?

Can you imagine the body having its own Mind?

Are you a Spirit within a Body...or a Body containing a Spirit?

What propels this body you navigate through the world in?

Do you perceive it as sheer Will on your part?


What has the rest of Creation got to do with you? Salvator Dali tried to express our Oneness...and Space...here in his painting of Galatea of the Spheres. (visit the Museum in St. Petersburg, Florida...and stand back and look at her; full on...and eyes askew.)

When you honor yourself; does that separate you from other people or life forms?

So what if trees are cut down? Who needs predator species in the world?

What is one less life form in the world?

How much of an impact can weather manipulation have on the world?

What's the difference if Low Frequency Vibrations are sent into the oceans or atmosphere?





Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A New View of God/Creator?

On the premise that we believe in God...a Creator... HOW can we imagine that S/He would plop us here without giving us all we need? How can we believe that S/He wouldn't want us to be happy, safe and useful? 

 When I was a kid, it was arrogant to make such a claim. You were supposed to grovel, as far as religion and families were concerned. How DARE you think God would want to favor you! You were supposed to keep that feeling of heaviness in your heart, and remember that “God is watching and waiting for us to trip up. WHAT kind of God would think that's FUN??? 

The leverage maker is in remembering that EVERYone and EVERY other life form is birthed under the same supposition...God wants the BEST for them, as well as for you and me. All the best is laid out for us...all we need do is ACCEPT, and RECEIVE. The Universe just IS. It offers its Gifts freely. It emerges out of a Perfect Matrix, and continues in Alignment with Creator...till it gets to humans.

Humans have made a habit of feeling 'less than.' Be it harm none, all is free for the taking. When our minds are free, we take only what we need. We find happiness in seeing that our neighbor has the same. It's only when feelings of lack fill a person that they get defensive and fearful; and then are resentful at what someone else has. Now, I'm fully aware that there is true poverty 'out there.' I'm asking that we begin recognizing en masse that our God/Creator has provided all we need.

When those in control of our Governments can think that way, they will govern in new ways. The people will ASK in new ways. Each person will PROVIDE for him/herself in new ways, starting with the way they think, what they pay attention to and spend their time on. The voice of Abraham and the Secret and all the speakers on the Law of Attraction before them, point out that the human mind has a lot to do with Creation. We are Co-Creators with God. Once we 'get it,' we will realize that Creating while feeling Happiness and Commitment to our Creation's Happiness is a cruicial component in that.

Being able to see the finished product before it's even done is the entrepreneurial factor that achieves the desired effect. Seeing clearly where we want to go draws every source of assistance to our Project. So, if you believe in God, I hope you will practice acknowledging that God don't make no junk, and he wants his treasures to be cherished among themselves as much as he adores His Creation. 

Being Special to God means we are surrounded and permeated with Glory. We bless each other all the time while Accepting that we already ARE Blessed! All God, Creator, the Universal Harmony wants us to do is SAY YES!!

Well, there's a few thoughts on why we should turn our hearts to feeling the Joy the Universe is trying to bestow. 
 Love to you, 

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Winter Medicine

Winter. It finds me hibernating. Or, more realistically, Winter doesn't care; but it affects me with a hunkered down, grateful for a warm home feeling. Old Man Winter just does his thing...and I am left wondering if I'm just lazy. All the "should be's and would be's" haunt me. Family waits to see me. Friends invite me to this and that and I'm a no-show. In the end, here I am...in the house, on the computer.

But wait! My computer is my Window to the World! And on days like today, when the feeling is so strong and the knowing so poignant that I am missing real time contact with others, Smilin' Wolf (my computer) delivers friends all the philosophy, new connections, and reconnections right to my Window On The World. Today, (again) I realize that it is what it is...if I am to be at home on my computer, composing a blog, webpage, wedding ceremony, new meditation, tidying the house, on the phone, etc...it is all leading to some greater Understanding in me, AND soon, a good day out and manifesting more Knowing that All is as it "should be." Today was so magical, with the many talents and gifts so many people share...with computer as a tool, I've discovered how much love there is in the hearts of Humanity. I avoid the news on TV and Radio...good ole "Smilin' Wolf" allows me choice of what I watch and what I read. (for the most part).

Winter and "Smilin' Wolf" are good 'medicine.' Winter is a sort of mentor that causes me to review my purpose and actions; gives me time to hibernate, regroup and discover much about myself and the world at large. Winter can be a source of cultivating Patience.

What I'm trying to say boils down to simplicity...Basic Goodness!! The Art of Being Satisfied with where I'm "at"...non-judgmental; allowing my own pace as I would for anyone else...and knowing that the more I trust my life, my purpose and the Great Creator's Plan for me...the better chance there is for my successful "hearing" of my Purpose, all the more clear my mind and heart for discerning my Soul's Work.

This is my first post on my first blog. Thanks for reading.